Breathwork and Sauna - Friday 18th Oct, 12pm

A deeply relaxing and invigorating, hot and cold, intuitive and evidence based immersion into the elements working gently with your breath and body to amplify the benefits of the sauna and cold plunge.

Mindful, meditative guided sauna sessions for more effective hot and cold exposure.

What to expect:

  • We will begin with gently opening and grounding our bodies ready for the elements.
  • We will then move through guided rounds of of heat in the sauna and cold plunging with the cold water bucket/shower, using our breath to really reap the benefits of the heat and cold.

While everyone experiences breathwork and hot/cold immersion differently and each journey is unique, you might experience during and after the session:

→ Reconnection with yourself, your body, and your intuition

→ Increased energy

→ A calmer mind

→ Feeling clearer, more grounded and relaxed, and lighter

→ Better ability to focus and meditate

→ Reduced stress and anxiety

→ Reduction of physical aches and pains

→ The release of emotions you’ve not been able to feel

→ The shifting of energetic blocks

→ Heightened states of awareness

→ Moments of insight and ah-ha-s!

Benefits are often seen after one session, sometimes you’ll notice them after more. Some after-effects can dissipate in the days after the journey, others can be a lifelong transformation.

As this is an in-person event, places are limited and booking in advance is essential

©Samphire Sauna 2022